Causes of Hair Fall,Diseases

 What are diseases which are causing hair fall?

There are a number of diseases, during which hair fall happens, we are only mentioning the
very important ones let follow,(1)
let's see

how-to-reduce-hair-fall-naturally, diseases
                    causes of hair fall, diseases


In the cases of cancer, it's very often to see hair fall, most of the time it's very directly associated
with treatment, which is also called chemotherapy, very similar hair fall cases are reported
with radiation therapy

Is there regrowth is there?

Yes, regrowth is there moment the treatment is finished, and growth can be increased by using 
some kind of hair growth treatment

Can it be prevented?

In some cases, it can help, like wearing a protective cold cap during and after therapy can 
provide a good possibility

SIT, sexually transmitted infections, such as SYPHILIS

In this case, if it is untreated properly, it can lead to hair fall. patchy hair loss on
scalp, also it occurs on eyebrows and beard

Is there regrowth?

In this case also hairs come back once the disease is treated


Its a chronic autoimmune disease,which triggers inflammation in the full body,or in
starting in some localized areas, mostly it affects to joints, brain,heart, lungs, and
in this disease is often seen to be associated with hair fall, and most of the time its
patchy, it's difficult to manage


Its something to kidney, actually it's kidney disorder, and very often it's associated 
with hair fall

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease

Its intestinal disorder, where inflammation happens in the intestine and this also triggers
hair fall

Liver Diseases

These liver disorders just like kidney disorders trigger hair fall


Uncontrolled blood sugar often leads to hair fall

Celiac Disease

Its autoimmune disease caused by gluten which we eat almost every day, in the form
of food, bread, made out of wheat, in this case, also hair fall happens but the good news
is that it can be reversed once we start gluten -free diet

So, as you have seen we have tried to cover most of the major diseases which are often 
associated with hair fall, and little more care is needed while we are on these 
diseases, this is all from this blog., How to Reduce Hair Fall Naturally, where we
are explaining most of the aspects very closely related with hair fall, and this is
what our objective is


The Information Which Can Be Helpful To You

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-Very few people aware of the possibility that food what they eat
  every day can create some adverse situation for them, and for this
  why not visit our blog GLUTEN-FREE DIET 

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